
Adding extension operators.

The extension modules contains tools for registering new extension operators with asq. This is achieved by dynamically adding new methods to Queryable and possibly its subclasses.

add_method Add an existing function to a class as a method.
extend A function decorator for extending an existing class.
asq.extension.add_method(function, klass, name=None)

Add an existing function to a class as a method.


Consider using the extend decorator as a more readable alternative to using this function directly.

  • function – The function to be added to the class klass.
  • klass – The class to which the new method will be added.
  • name – An optional name for the new method. If omitted or None the original name of the function is used.

The function argument unmodified.

ValueError - If klass already has an attribute with the same name as the

extension method.


Define a function called every_second() which returns every second element from the source and add it to Queryable as a new query operator called alternate():

>>> def every_second(self):
...     def generate():
...         for index, item in enumerate(self):
...             if index % 2 == 0:
...                 yield item
...     return self._create(generate())
>>> from asq.extension import add_method
>>> from asq.queryables import Queryable
>>> add_method(every_second, Queryable, "alternate")
<function every_second at 0x0000000002D2D5C8>
>>> a = [5, 8, 3, 2, 0, 9, 5, 4, 9, 2, 7, 0]
>>> query(a).alternate().to_list()
[5, 3, 0, 5, 9, 7]
asq.extension.extend(klass, name=None)

A function decorator for extending an existing class.

Use as a decorator for functions to add to an existing class.

  • klass – The class to be decorated.
  • name – The name the new method is to be given in the klass class.

A decorator function which accepts a single function as its only argument. The decorated function will be added to class klass.

ValueError - If klass already has an attribute with the same name as the

extension method.


Define a new query method called pairs() which iterates over successive pairs in the source iterable, add it to the Queryable class and use it to execute a query. Note that extension methods defined in this way will typically need to call internal methods of Queryable, such as the _create() method used here to construct a new Queryable:

>>> from asq.extension import extend
>>> from asq.queryables import Queryable
>>> @extend(Queryable)
... def pairs(self):
...     def generate_pairs():
...         i = iter(self)
...         sentinel = object()
...         prev = next(i, sentinel)
...         if prev is sentinel:
...             return
...         for item in i:
...             yield prev, item
...             prev = item
...     return self._create(generate_pairs())
>>> from asq import query
>>> a = [5, 4, 7, 2, 8, 9, 1, 0, 4]
>>> query(a).pairs().to_list()
[(5, 4), (4, 7), (7, 2), (2, 8), (8, 9), (9, 1), (1, 0), (0, 4)]