Differences from LINQ

Although asq is inspired by LINQ, there are inevitably some differences with Microsoft’s LINQ on .NET in order to accommodate the variance between C# and Python.

Embedded Domain Specific Language

C# and VB.NET have specific syntax extensions to support the creation of LINQ queries. This provides an alternative to the fluent interface (method chaining). Any LINQ query can be expressed using the fluent interface. This is not true for the LINQ domain specific languages embedded in C# and VB.NET but they provide syntactic sugar for many common queries structures.

For example the following LINQ comprehension expression in C#:

from item in collection where item.id == 3 select item

is equivalent to the following call without syntactic sugar in C#:

collection.Where(item => item.id == 3)

No language extensions are provided by asq; however, the fluent interface is fully supported.

let bindings

LINQ query syntax includes a let keyword which has no direct equivalent in the LINQ fluent (method chaining) interface. The let keyword introduces a new identifier which can store intermediate query results for improvements in readability or performance.

All queries in LINQ syntax are translated by the C# compiler into chained method calls. The let keyword is translated into a select() mapping which creates instances of anonymous types which bundle together the current query value together with any addition values bound by let so they may all be passed down the method chain. Selectors and predicates in the method chain following the select() are modified to extract the correct members from the anonymous type.

For example, the following LINQ query expression:

var names = new string[] { "Dog", "Cat", "Giraffe", "Monkey", "Tortoise" };
var result =
    from animalName in names
    let nameLength = animalName.Length
    where nameLength > 3
    orderby nameLength
    select animalName;

is equivalent to the C# method chain:

var result = names
    .Select(animalName => new { nameLength = animalName.Length, animalName})
    .Where(x=>x.nameLength > 3)

The latter form can be emulated in asq using a Record object which can be concisely created by the new() factory function:

from asq.initiators import asq
from asq.record import new

names = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Giraffe', 'Monkey', 'Tortoise']
result = query(names)
    .select(lambda animal_name: new(name_length=len(animal_name),
    .where(lambda x: x.name_length > 3)
    .order_by(lambda x: x.name_length)
    .select(lambda x: x.animal_name)

Extension methods

C# supports extension methods which allow LINQ to “add” methods to existing types such as IEnumerable. This is how the LINQ query operators are added to enumerable types. Python has no fully equivalent technique because so- called monkey patching, whereby new methods can be added to existing classes, cannot be applied to built-in types such as list because they are immutable by design.

For this reason query initiators such query() must be used to convert a Python iterable into a type which supports query operators.

Nonetheless, the core operators included in asq may be supplemented with additional operators by adding new methods to the appropriate queryable type, usually Queryable itself.

A decorator called @extend is provided by asq for this purpose.


Being statically typed C# supports method overloading and this is used extensively by LINQ. For example, the SelectMany() method has the following four overloads:

SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>,
                             Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TResult>>)

SelectMany<TSource, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>,
                             Func<TSource, Int32, IEnumerable<TResult>>)

SelectMany<TSource, TCollection, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>,
                                          Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TCollection>>,
                                          Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult>)

SelectMany<TSource, TCollection, TResult>(IEnumerable<TSource>,
                                          Func<TSource, Int32, IEnumerable<TCollection>>,
                                          Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult>)

These four overloads perform quite distinct, although related, operations. In asq the equivalent of these overloads are methods with separate - and more descriptive - names:

select_many(collection_selector, result_selector)

select_many_with_index(collection_selector, result_selector)

select_many_with_correspondence(collection_selector, result_selector)

Default arguments allow the Python select_many() method to perform the equivalent function as the first and third C# overloads and select_many_with_index() the second and fourth overloads. The third Python method provides a simpler alternative to the second version in some scenarios.

Equality comparers

Many .NET containers and and LINQ operators allow the specification of comparer objects, particularly IEqualityComparer. This is important in C# because equality in C# using the equality operator is by reference rather than value. The use of separate comparer types is not idiomatic in Python and in general no attempt has been made to support the equivalent of LINQ operator overloads which accept equality comparers.

Two asq operators which do accept equality comparison functions are contains() and sequence_equal().

Style changes

All class and method names in asq are compatible with the PEP 8 style- guide. This necessarily requires that they are different to the .NET methods, so, for example, SelectMany() in .NET becomes select_many() in asq.

The LINQ IEnumerable extension methods which create new sequences rather than operate on existing sequences have become module-scope free function initiators in asq in the initiators sub-module.

Specific naming changes

Owing to clashes with existing Python types, some specific name changes have been made. Other name changes have been made because overloads in LINQ have become separate named methods in asq.

LINQ asq
IEnumerable query(iterable)
range() integers()
except() difference()

Selector and predicate factories

Lambdas in Python are relatively verbose compared to C# lambdas and have the further restriction that they cannot span multiple lines. Selector and predicate factories are provided to asq to generate common lambda forms. These have some out-of-the-box equivalent in LINQ.

Execution engine

The LINQ implementation in .NET converts query expressions or method chains into an abstract representation of the query in the form of expression trees. This allows decoupling of query specification from the form of the which will be queried. This allows queries to be applied to diverse data sources including object sequences as represented by IEnumerable (LINQ-to-objects), database (LINQ-to-SQL), XML (LINQ-to-XML) or indeed any other data source for which a LINQ provider has been created.

At this stage in it`s development asq sets out to be a solid, Pythonic, functional equivalent of LINQ-to-objects only. With only one data provider there is not advantage to representing queries in some abstract intermediate representation. An expression tree based implementation of asq may be created in future.

Pythonic behaviour

Container creation

Included in asq are several additions to support idiomatic Python usage. The first group are the to_*() methods where * is a placeholder for various built-in types (list, set, dict, tuple) and asq provided types (lookup).

Special methods

The following Python special methods are supported by the Queryable type to support idiomatic Python usage.

Special method Purpose Equivalent query operator
__contains__ Support for the in operator contains()
__getitem__ Support for indexing with [] element_at()
__reversed__ Support for reversed() built-in reverse()
__repr__ Stringified representation  
__str__ Stringified representation  

So, for example, the expression:

5 in query(numbers).select(lambda: x * 2)

is equivalent to:

query(numbers).select(lambda: x * 2).contains(5)