asq Introduction

asq implements a chained declarative style queries for Python iterables. This provides an alternative to traditional for loops or comprehensions which are ubiquitious in Python. Query methods can offer the following advantages over loops or comprehensions:

  1. Concision: asq query expressions can be to the point, especially when combining multiple queries.
  2. Readability: Chained asq query operators can have superior readability to nested or chained comprehensions. For example, multi-key sorting is much clearer with asq than with other approaches.
  3. Abstraction: Query expressions in asq decouple query specification from the execution mechanism giving more flexibility with how query results are determined, so for example queries can be executed in parallel with minimal changes.

More complex queries tend to show greater benefits when using asq. Simple transformations are probably best left as regular Python comprehensions. It’s easy to mix and match asq with comprehensions and indeed any other Python function which produces or consumes iterables.

Installing asq

asq is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be installed with pip:

$ pip install asq

Alternatively, you can download and unpack the source distribution from the asq `downloads page`_ or PyPI. You should then unpack the source distribution into a temporary directory and run the setup script which will install asq into the current Python environment, for example:

$ tar xzf asq-1.0.tar.gz
$ cd asq-1.0
$ python install

If you are using Python 2.6 you will also need to install the back-ported ordereddict module which was introduced in Python 2.7.

Diving in

A few simple examples will help to illustrate use of asq. We’ll need some data to work with, so let’s set up a simple list of student records, where each student is represented by a dictionary:

students = [dict(firstname='Joe', lastname='Blogs', scores=[56, 23, 21, 89]),
            dict(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', scores=[34, 12, 92, 93]),
            dict(firstname='Jane', lastname='Doe', scores=[33, 94, 91, 13]),
            dict(firstname='Ola', lastname='Nordmann', scores=[98, 23, 98, 87]),
            dict(firstname='Kari', lastname='Nordmann', scores=[86, 37, 88, 87]),
            dict(firstname='Mario', lastname='Rossi', scores=[37, 95, 45, 18])]

To avoid having to type in this data structure, you can navigate to the root of the unpacked source distribution of asq and then import it from in the examples directory with:

$ cd asq/examples/
$ python
Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from pupils import students

Now we can import the query tools we need. We’ll start with the most commonly used import from asq which is the query initiator:

>>> from asq import query

The query initiator allows us to perform queries over any Python iterable, such as the students object we imported.

Let’s start by creating a simple query to find those students who’s first names begin with a letter ‘J’:

>>> query(students).where(lambda student: student['firstname'].startswith('J'))
Queryable(<filter object at 0x00000000031D9B70>)

To dissect this line and its result left to right, we have:

  1. A call to the query(students). Here query() is a query initiator - a factory function for creating a Queryable object from, in this case, an iterable. The query() function is the key entry point into the query system (although there are others).
  2. A method call to where(). Where is one of the asq query operators and is in fact a method on the Queryable returned by the preceding call to query(). The where() query operator accepts a single argument, which is a callable predicate (i.e. returning either True or False) function which which each element will be tested.
  3. The predicate passed to where() is defined by the expression lambda student: student['firstname'].startswith('J') which accepts a single argument student which is the element being tested. From the student dictionary the first name is extracted and the built-in string method startswith() is called on the name.
  4. The result of the call is a Queryable object. Note that no results have yet been produced - because the query has not yet been executed. The Queryable object contains all the information required to execute the query when results are required.


All query expressions begin with query initiator. Initiators are the entry points to asq and are to be found the in the initiators submodule. The most commonly used query initiator is also availble from the top-level asq namespace for convenience. All initiators return Queryables on which any query method can be called. We have already seen the query() initiator in use. The full list of available query initiators is:

Initiator Purpose
query(iterable) Make a Queryable from any iterable
integers(start, count) Make a Queryable sequence of consecutive integers
repeat(value, count) Make a Queryable from a repeating value
empty() Make a Queryable from an empty sequence

When is the query evaluated?

In order to make the query execute we need to iterate over the Queryable or chain additional calls to convert the result to, for example, a list. We’ll do this by creating the query again, but this time assigning it to a name:

>>> q = query(students).where(lambda student: student['firstname'].startswith('J'))
>>> q
Queryable(<filter object at 0x00000000031D9BE0>)
>>> q.to_list()
[{'lastname': 'Blogs', 'firstname': 'Joe', 'scores': [56, 23, 21, 89]},
 {'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'John', 'scores': [34, 12, 92, 93]},
 {'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'Jane', 'scores': [33, 94, 91, 13]}]

Most of the asq query operators like where() use so-called deferred execution whereas others which return non-Queryable results use immediate execution and force evaluation of any pending deferred operations.

Queries are executed when the results are realised by converting them to a concrete type such as a list, dictionary or set, or by any of the query operators which return a single value.

Query chaining

Most of the query operators can be composed in chains to create more complex queries. For example, we could extract and compose the full names of the three students resulting from the previous query with:

>>> query(students).where(lambda s: s['firstname'].startswith('J'))        \
...                .select(lambda s: s['firstname'] + ' ' + s['lastname']) \
...                .to_list()
['Joe Blogs', 'John Doe', 'Jane Doe']


The backslashes above are Python’s line-continuation character, used here for readability. They are not part of the syntax of the expression.

If we would like our results sorted by the students’ minimum scores we can use the Python built-in function min() with the order_by query operator:

>>> query(students).where(lambda s: s['firstname'].startswith('J'))        \
...                .order_by(lambda s: min(s['scores']))                   \
...                .select(lambda s: s['firstname'] + ' ' + s['lastname']) \
...                .to_list()
['John Doe', 'Jane Doe', 'Joe Blogs']

Query nesting

There is nothing to stop us initiating a sub-query in the course of defining a primary query. For example, to order the students by their average score we can invoke the query() initiator a second time and chain the average() query operator to determine the mean score to pass to order_by():

>>>  query(students).order_by(lambda s: query(s['scores']).average())            \
...                 .where(lambda student: student['firstname'].startswith('J')) \
...                 .select(lambda s: s['firstname'] + ' ' + s['lastname'])      \
...                 .to_list()
['Joe Blogs', 'John Doe', 'Jane Doe']


Many of the query operators, such as select(), order_by or where() accept selector callables for one or more of their arguments. Typically such selectors are used to select or extract a value from an element of the query sequence. Selectors can be any Python callable and examples of commonly used selectors are demonstrated below. In addition, asq provides some selector factories as a convenience for generating commonly used forms of selectors.

Most of the selectors used in asq are unary functions, that is, they take a single positional argument which is the value of the current element. However, some of the query operators do require selectors which take two arguments; these cases are noted in the API documentation.


Lambda is probably the most frequently used mechanism for specifying selectors. This example squares each element:

>>> numbers = [1, 67, 34, 23, 56, 34, 45]
>>> query(numbers).select(lambda x: x**2).to_list()
[1, 4489, 1156, 529, 3136, 1156, 2025]


Sometime the selector you want cannot be easily expressed as a lambda, or it is already available as a function in existing code, such as the standard library.

In this example we use the built-in len() function as the selector:

>>> words = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.split()
>>> words
['The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog']
>>> query(words).select(len).to_list()
[3, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 3, 4, 3]

Unbound methods

Unbound methods are obtained by referencing the method of a class rather than the method of an instance. That is, the self parameter passed as the first argument of a method has not yet been specified. We can pass any unbound method which takes only a single argument including the normally implicit self as a selector.

In this example, we use an unbound method upper() of the built-in string class:

>>> words = ["the", "quick", "brown", "fox"]
>>> query(words).select(str.upper).to_list()
['THE', 'QUICK', 'BROWN', 'FOX']

This has the effect of making the method call on each element in the sequence.

Bound methods

Bound methods are obtained by referencing the method of an instance rather than the method of a class. That is, the instance referred to by the self parameter passed as the first argument of a method has already been determined.

To illustrate, here we create a Multiplier class instances of which multiply by a factor specified at initialization when the multiply method is called:

>>> numbers = [1, 67, 34, 23, 56, 34, 45]
>>> class Multiplier(object):
...     def __init__(self, factor):
...         self.factor = factor
...     def multiply(self, value):
...         return self.factor * value
>>> five_multiplier = Multiplier(5)
>>> times_by_five  = five_multiplier.multiply
>>> times_by_five
<bound method Multiplier.multiply of <__main__.Multiplier object at 0x0000000002F251D0>>
>>> query(numbers).select(times_by_five).to_list()
[5, 335, 170, 115, 280, 170, 225]

This has the effect of passing each element of the sequence in turn as an argument to the bound method.

Selector factories

Some selector patterns crop up very frequently and so asq provides some simple and concise selector factories for these cases. Selector factories are themselves functions which return the actual selector function which can be passed in turn to the query operator.

Selector factory Created selector function
k_(key) lambda x: x[key]
a_(name) lambda x: getattr(x, name)
m_(name, *args, **kwargs) lambda x: getattr(x, name)(*args, **kwargs)

Key selector factory

For our example, we’ll create a list of employees, with each employee being represented as a Python dictionary:

>>> employees = [dict(firstname='Joe', lastname='Bloggs', grade=3),
...              dict(firstname='Ola', lastname='Nordmann', grade=3),
...              dict(firstname='Kari', lastname='Nordmann', grade=2),
...              dict(firstname='Jane', lastname='Doe', grade=4),
...              dict(firstname='John', lastname='Doe', grade=3)]

Let’s start by looking at an example without selector factories. Our query will be to order the employees by descending grade, then by ascending last name and finally by ascending first name:

>>>  query(employees).order_by_descending(lambda employee: employee['grade']) \
...                  .then_by(lambda employee: employee['lastname'])          \
...                  .then_by(lambda employee: employee['firstname']).to_list()
[{'grade': 4, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'Jane'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Bloggs', 'firstname': 'Joe'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'John'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Ola'},
 {'grade': 2, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Kari'}]

Those lambda expressions can be a bit of a mouthful, especially given Python’s less-than-concise lambda syntax. We can improve by using less descriptive names for the lambda arguments:

>>>  query(employees).order_by_descending(lambda e: e['grade'])  \
...                  .then_by(lambda e: e['lastname'])           \
...                  .then_by(lambda e: e['firstname']).to_list()
[{'grade': 4, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'Jane'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Bloggs', 'firstname': 'Joe'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'John'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Ola'},
 {'grade': 2, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Kari'}]

but there’s still quite a lot of syntactic noise in here. By using one of the selector factories provided by asq we can make this example more concise. The particular selector factory we are going to use is called k_() where the k is a mnemonic for ‘key’ and the underscore is there purely to make the name more unusual to avoid consuming a useful single letter variable name from the importing namespace. k_() takes a single argument which is the name of the key to be used when indexing into the element, so the expressions:



lambda x: x['foo']

are equivalent because in fact the first expression is in fact returning the second one. Let’s see k_() in action reducing the verbosity and apparent complexity of the query somewhat:

>>> from asq import k_
>>> query(employees).order_by_descending(k_('grade'))   \
...                 .then_by(k_('lastname'))            \
...                 .then_by(k_('firstname')).to_list()
[{'grade': 4, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'Jane'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Bloggs', 'firstname': 'Joe'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'John'},
 {'grade': 3, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Ola'},
 {'grade': 2, 'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Kari'}]

It might not be immediately obvious from it’s name, but k_() works with any object supporting indexing with square brackets, so it can also be used with an integer ‘key’ for retrieved results from sequences such as lists and tuples.

Attribute selector factory

The attribute selector factory provided by asq is called a_() and it creates a selector which retrieves a named attribute from each element. To illustrate its utility, we’ll re-run the key selector exercise using the attribute selector against Employee objects rather than dictionaries. First of all, our Employee class:

>>> class Employee(object):
...     def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, grade):
...         self.firstname = firstname
...         self.lastname = lastname
...         self.grade = grade
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return ("Employee(" + repr(self.firstname) + ", "
...                             + repr(self.lastname) + ", "
...                             + repr(self.grade) + ")")

Now the query and its result use the lambda form for the selectors:

>>> query(employees).order_by_descending(lambda employee: employee.grade)  \
...                 .then_by(lambda employee: employee.lastname)           \
...                 .then_by(lambda employee: employee.firstname).to_list()
[Employee('Jane', 'Doe', 4), Employee('Joe', 'Bloggs', 3),
 Employee('John', 'Doe', 3), Employee('Ola', 'Nordmann', 3),
 Employee('Kari', 'Nordmann', 2)]

We can make this query more concise by creating our selectors using the a_ selector factory, where the a is a mnemonic for ‘attribute’. a_() accepts a single argument which is the name of the attribute to get from each element. The expression:


is equivalent to:

lambda x:

Using this construct we can shorted our query to the more concise:

>>> query(employees).order_by_descending(a_('grade'))  \
...                 .then_by(a_('lastname'))           \
...                 .then_by(a_('firstname')).to_list()
[Employee('Jane', 'Doe', 4), Employee('Joe', 'Bloggs', 3),
 Employee('John', 'Doe', 3), Employee('Ola', 'Nordmann', 3),
 Employee('Kari', 'Nordmann', 2)]

Method selector factory

The method-call selector factory provided by asq is called m_() and it creates a selector which makes a method call on each element, optionally passing positional or named arguments to the method. We’ll re-run the attribute selector exercise using the method selector against a modified Employee class which incorporates a couple of methods:

>>> class Employee(object):
...     def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, grade):
...         self.firstname = firstname
...         self.lastname = lastname
...         self.grade = grade
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return ("Employee(" + repr(self.firstname)
...                             + repr(self.lastname)
...                             + repr(self.grade) + ")")
...     def full_name(self):
...         return self.firstname + " " + self.lastname
...     def award_bonus(self, base_amount):
...         return self.grade * base_amount

In its simplest form, the m_() selector factory takes a single argument, which is the name of the method to be called as a string. So:


is equivalent to:

lambda x:

We can use this to easy generate a list of full names for our employees:

>>> query(employees).select(m_('full_name')).to_list()
['Joe Bloggs', 'Ola Nordmann', 'Kari Nordmann', 'Jane Doe', 'John Doe']

The m_() selector factory also accepts arbitrary number of additional positional or named arguments which will be forwarded to the method when it is called on each element. So:

m_('foo', 42)

is equivalent to:

lambda x:

For example to determine total cost of awarding bonuses to our employees on the basis of grade, we can do:

>>> query(employees).select(m_('award_bonus', 1000)).to_list()
[3000, 3000, 2000, 4000, 3000]

Default selectors and the identity selector

Any of the selector arguments to query operators in asq may be omitted [1] to allow the use of operators to be simplified. When a selector is omitted the default is used and the documentation makes it clear how that default behaves. In most cases, the default selector is the identity() selector. The identity selector is very simple and is equivalent to:

def identity(x):
    return x
[1]Except the single selector argument to the select() operator itself.

That is, it is a function that returns it’s only argument - essentially it’s a do-nothing function. This is useful because frequently we don’t want to select an attribute or key from an element - we want to use the element value directly. For example, to sort a list of words alphabetically, we can omit the selector passed to order_by() allowing if to default to the identity selector:

>>> words = "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog".split()
>>> query(words).order_by().to_list()
['brown', 'dog', 'fox', 'jumped', 'lazy', 'over', 'quick', 'the', 'the']

Some query operators, notably select() perform important optimisations when used with the identity operator. For example the operator select(identity) does nothing and simply returns the Queryable on which it was invoked.


Many of the query operators, such as where(), distinct(), skip(), accept predicates. Predicates are functions which return True or False. As with selectors (see above) predicates can be defined with lambdas, functions, unbound methods, bound methods or indeed any other callable that returns True or False. For convenience asq also provides some predicate factories and combinators to concisely build predicates for common situations.


>>> numbers = [0, 56, 23, 78, 94, 56, 12, 34, 36, 90, 23, 76, 4, 67]
>>> query(numbers).where(lambda x: x > 35).to_list()
[56, 78, 94, 56, 36, 90, 76, 67]


Here we use the bool() built-in function to remove zeros from the list:

>>> numbers = [0, 56, 23, 78, 94, 56, 12, 34, 36, 90, 23, 76, 4, 67]
>>> query(numbers).where(bool).to_list()
[56, 23, 78, 94, 56, 12, 34, 36, 90, 23, 76, 4, 67]

Unbound methods

Here we use an unbound method of the str class to extract only alphabetic strings from a list:

>>> a = ['zero', 'one', '2', '3', 'four', 'five', '6', 'seven', 'eight', '9']
>>> query(a).where(str.isalpha).to_list()
['zero', 'one', 'four', 'five', 'seven', 'eight']

Bound methods

Bound methods are obtained by referencing the method of an instance rather than the method of a class. That is, the instance referred to by the self parameter passed as the first argument of a method has already been determined.

To illustrate, here we create a variation of Multiplier class earlier with a method to test whether a given number is a multiple of the supplied factor:

>>> numbers = [1, 18, 34, 23, 56, 48, 45]
>>> class Multiplier(object):
  ...     def __init__(self, factor):
  ...         self.factor = factor
  ...     def is_multiple(self, value):
  ...         return value % self.factor == 0
  >>> six_multiplier = Multiplier(6)
  >>> is_six_a_factor = six_multiplier.is_multiple
  >>> is_six_a_factor
  <bound method Multiplier.is_multiple of <__main__.Multiplier object at 0x029FEDF0>>
  >>> query(numbers).where(is_six_a_factor).to_list()
  [18, 48]

This has the effect of passing each element of the sequence in turn as an argument to the bound method which returns True or False.

Predicate factories

For complex predicates inline lambdas can become quite verbose and have limited readability. To mitigate this somewhat, asq provides some predicate factories and predicate combinators.

The provided predicates are:

Predicate factory Created selector function
eq_(value) lambda x: x == value
ne_(value) lambda x: x != value
lt_(value) lambda x: x < value
le_(value) lambda x: x <= value
ge_(value) lambda x: x >= value
gt_(value) lambda x: x >= value
is_(value) lambda x: x is value
contains_(value) lambda x: value in x

Predicates are available in the predicates module of the asq package:

>>> from asq.predicates import *

So given:

>>> numbers = [0, 56, 23, 78, 94, 56, 12, 34, 36, 90, 23, 76, 4, 67]

the query expression:

>>> query(numbers).where(lambda x: x > 35).take_while(lambda x: x < 90).to_list()
[56, 78]

could be written more succinctly rendered as:

>>> query(numbers).where(gt_(35)).take_while(lt_(90)).to_list()
[56, 78]

Predicate combinator factories

Some simple combinators are provided to allow the predicate factories to be combined to form more powerful expressions. These combinators are,

Combinator factory Created selector function
not_(a) lambda x: not a(x)
and_(a, b) lambda x: a(x) and b(x)
or_(a, b) lambda x: a(x) or b(x)
xor(a, b) lambda x: a(x) != b(x)

where a and b are themselves predicates.

So given:

>>> numbers = [0, 56, 23, 78, 94, 56, 12, 34, 36, 90, 23, 76, 4, 67]

the query expression:

>>> query(numbers).where(lambda x: x > 20 and x < 80).to_list()
[56, 23, 78, 56, 34, 36, 23, 76, 67]

could be expressed as:

>>> query(numbers).where(and_(gt_(20), lt_(80).to_list()
[56, 23, 78, 56, 34, 36, 23, 76, 67]

Although complex expressions are probably still better expressed as lambdas or separate functions altogether.

Using selector factories for predicates

A predicate is any callable that returns True or False, so any selector which returns True or False is by definition a predicate. This means that the selector factories k_(), a_() and m_() may also be used as predicate factories so long as they return boolean values. They may also be used with the predicate combinators. For example, consider a sequence of Employee objects which have an intern attribute which evaluates to True or False. We can filter out interns using this query:

>>> query(employees).where(not_(a_('intern')))


Some of the query operators accept equality comparers. Equality comparers are callables which can be used to determine whether two value should be considered equal for the purposes of a query. For example, the contains() query operator accepts an optional equality comparer used for determining membership. To illustrate, we will use the insensitive_eq() comparer which does a case insensitive equality test:

>>> from asq.comparers import insensitive_eq
>>> names = ['Matthew', 'Mark', 'John']
>>> query(names).contains('MARK', insensitive_eq)


In all of the examples in this documentation so far, the data to be queried has either been represented as combinations of built-in Python types such as lists and dictionaries, or we have needed define specific classes to represented our data. Sometimes there’s a need for a type without the syntactic clutter of say dictionaries, but without the overhead of creating a whole class with methods; you just want to bunch some data together. The Record type provided by asq fulfills this need. A convenience function called new() can be used to concisely create Records. To use new, just pass in named arguments to define the Record properties:

>>> product = new(id=5723, name="Mouse", price=33, total_revenue=23212)
>>> product
Record(id=5723, price=33, total_revenue=23212, name='Mouse')

And retrieve properties using regular Python attribute syntax:

>>> product.price

This can be useful when we want to carry several derived values through a query such as in this example where we create Records containing the full names and highest score of students, we then sort the records by the high score:

>>> from pupils import students
>>> students
[{'lastname': 'Blogs', 'firstname': 'Joe', 'scores': [56, 23, 21, 89]},
 {'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'John', 'scores': [34, 12, 92, 93]},
 {'lastname': 'Doe', 'firstname': 'Jane', 'scores': [33, 94, 91, 13]},
 {'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Ola', 'scores': [98, 23, 98, 87]},
 {'lastname': 'Nordmann', 'firstname': 'Kari', 'scores': [86, 37, 88, 87]},
 {'lastname': 'Rossi', 'firstname': 'Mario', 'scores': [37, 95, 45, 18]}]
>>> query(students).select(lambda s: new(name="{firstname} {lastname}".format(**s),
...                                      high_score=max(s['scores']))) \
...                .order_by(a_('high_score').to_list()
[Record(high_score=88, name='Kari Nordmann'),
 Record(high_score=89, name='Joe Blogs'),
 Record(high_score=93, name='John Doe'),
 Record(high_score=94, name='Jane Doe'),
 Record(high_score=95, name='Mario Rossi'),
 Record(high_score=98, name='Ola Nordmann')]


With potentially so much deferred execution occurring, debugging asq query expressions using tools such as debuggers can be challenging. Furthermore, since queries are expressions use of statements such as Python 2 print can be awkward.

To ease debugging, asq provides a logging facility which can be used to display intermediate results with an optional ability for force full, rather than lazy, evaluation of sequences.

To demonstrate, let’s start with a bug-ridden implementation of Fizz-Buzz implemented with asq. Fizz-Buzz is a game where the numbers 1 to 100 are read aloud but for numbers divisible by three “Fizz” is shouted, and for numbers divisible by five, “Buzz” is shouted.

>>> from asq.initiators import integers
>>> integers(1, 100).select(lambda x: "Fizz" if x % 3 == 0 else x) \
...                 .select(lambda x: "Buzz" if x % 5 == 0 else x).to_list()

At a glance this looks like it should work, but when run we get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "asq/", line 1910, in to_list
    lst = list(self)
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <lambda>
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

To investigate further it would be useful to examine the intermediate results. We can do this using the log() query operator, which accepts any logger supporting a debug(message) method. We can get just such a logger from the Python standard library logging module:

>>> import logging
>>> clog = logging.getLogger("clog")
>>> clog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

which creates a console logger we have called clog:

>>> from asq.initiators import integers
>>> integers(1, 100) \
...  .select(lambda x: "Fizz" if x % 3 == 0 else x).log(clog, label="Fizz select"). \
...  .select(lambda x: "Buzz" if x % 5 == 0 else x).to_list()
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : BEGIN (DEFERRED)
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [0] yields 1
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [1] yields 2
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [2] yields 'Fizz'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "asq/", line 1910, in to_list
    lst = list(self)
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <lambda>
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting

so we can see the the first select operator yields 1, 2, ‘Fizz’ before the failure. Now it’s perhaps more obvious that when x in the second lambda is equal to ‘Fizz’ the % operator will be operating on a string on its left-hand side and so the `% will perform string interpolation rather than modulus. This is the cause of the error we see.

We can fix this by not applying the modulus operator in the case that x is ‘Fizz’:

>>> integers(1, 100).select(lambda x: "Fizz" if x % 3 == 0 else x).log(clog, label="Fizz select") \
                    .select(lambda x: "Buzz" if x != "Fizz" and x % 5 == 0 else x).to_list()
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : BEGIN (DEFERRED)
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [0] yields 1
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [1] yields 2
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [2] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [3] yields 4
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [4] yields 5
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [5] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [6] yields 7
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [7] yields 8
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [8] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [9] yields 10
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [10] yields 11
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [11] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [12] yields 13
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [13] yields 14
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [14] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [15] yields 16
DEBUG:clog:Fizz select : [16] yields 17
DEBUG:clog2:Fizz select : [98] yields 'Fizz'
DEBUG:clog2:Fizz select : [99] yields 100
DEBUG:clog2:Fizz select : END (DEFERRED)
[1, 2, 'Fizz', 4, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 7, 8, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 11, 'Fizz', 13, 14,
 'Fizz', 16, 17, 'Fizz', 19, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 22, 23, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 26,
 'Fizz', 28, 29, 'Fizz', 31, 32, 'Fizz', 34, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 37, 38, 'Fizz',
 'Buzz', 41, 'Fizz', 43, 44, 'Fizz', 46, 47, 'Fizz', 49, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 52,
 53, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 56, 'Fizz', 58, 59, 'Fizz', 61, 62, 'Fizz', 64, 'Buzz',
 'Fizz', 67, 68, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 71, 'Fizz', 73, 74, 'Fizz', 76, 77, 'Fizz',
 79, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 82, 83, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 86, 'Fizz', 88, 89, 'Fizz', 91,
 92, 'Fizz', 94, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 97, 98, 'Fizz', 'Buzz']

That problem is solved, but inspection of the output shows that our query expression produces incorrect results for those numbers which are multiples of both 3 and 5, such as 15, for which we should be returning ‘FizzBuzz’. For the sake of completeness, let’s modify the expression to deal with this:

>>> integers(1, 100).select(lambda x: "FizzBuzz" if x % 15 == 0 else x) \
                    .select(lambda x: "Fizz" if x != "FizzBuzz" and x % 3 == 0 else x) \
                    .select(lambda x: "Buzz" if x != "FizzBuzz" and x != "Fizz" and x % 5 == 0 else x).to_list()
[1, 2, 'Fizz', 4, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 7, 8, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 11, 'Fizz', 13, 14,
 'FizzBuzz', 16, 17, 'Fizz', 19, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 22, 23, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 26,
 'Fizz', 28, 29, 'FizzBuzz', 31, 32, 'Fizz', 34, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 37, 38,
 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 41, 'Fizz', 43, 44, 'FizzBuzz', 46, 47, 'Fizz', 49, 'Buzz',
 'Fizz', 52, 53, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 56, 'Fizz', 58, 59, 'FizzBuzz', 61, 62,
 'Fizz', 64, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 67, 68, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 71, 'Fizz', 73, 74,
 'FizzBuzz', 76, 77, 'Fizz', 79, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 82, 83, 'Fizz', 'Buzz', 86,
 'Fizz', 88, 89, 'FizzBuzz', 91, 92, 'Fizz', 94, 'Buzz', 'Fizz', 97, 98,
 'Fizz', 'Buzz']

Extending asq

The fluent interface of asq works by chaining method calls on Queryable types, so to extend asq with new query operators must be able to add methods to Queryable. New methods added in this way must have a particular structure in order to be usable in the middle of a query chain.

To define a new query operator, use the @extend function decorator from the asq.extension package to decorator a module scope function. To illustrate, let’s add a new operator which adds a separating item between existing items:

def separate_with(self, separator):
    '''Insert a separator between items.

    Note: This method uses deferred execution.

        separator: The separating element to be inserted between each source

        A Queryable over the separated sequence.

    # Validate the arguments.  It is important to validate the arguments
    # eagerly, when the operator called, rather than when the result is
    # evaluated to ease debugging.
    if self.closed():
        raise ValueError("Attempt to call separate_with() on a closed Queryable.")

    # In order to get deferred execution (lazy evaluation) we need to define
    # a generator. This generator is also a closure over the parameters to
    # separate_with, namely 'self' and 'separator'.
    def generator():
        # Create an iterator over the source sequence - self is a Queryable
        # which is iterable.
        i = iter(self)

        # Attempt to yield the first element, which may or may not exist;
        # next() will raise StopIteration if it does not, so we exit.
            yield next(i)
        except StopIteration:

        # Alternately yield a separator and the next element for all
        # remaining elements in the source sequence.
        for item in i:
            yield separator
            yield item

    # Create a new Queryable from the generator, by calling the _create()
    # factory function, rather than by calling the Queryable constructor
    # directly.  This ensures that the correct subclass of Queryable is
    # created.
    return self._create(generator())

The @extend decorator installs the new operator so it may be used immediately:

a = [1, 4, 9, 2, 3]
query(a).select(lambda x: x*x).separate_with(0).to_list()

which gives:

[1, 0, 16, 0, 81, 0, 4, 0, 9]